Paul Sze - Honorary Professional Consultant, Dept of Curriculum & Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Classkick vs Jamboard for dragging items into a diagram
Yesterday, I talked about for using Classkick for creating a drag-items-into-diagram task. Actually, Jamboard can also do that. Below is one that I have created:
Drag sentences into a custom-made diagram
So far, apps like Wordwall and will only allow you to drag sentences (or pictures) into pre-determined groups. But you cannot drag items into a custom-made diagram, such as a partial mindmap.
A moment ago, I realised that Classkick can do that. In one slide, you can first upload an image of your custom-made diagram. Then click on 'Add manipulative'. You will then upload an image from your computer; you can then resize it or just clip one portion of the image.
Continue this process until you have all the items (pictures) you need for the diagram.
Of course, Classkick will not be able to 'mark' students' answers. Hence, one way to use this function is to do it as a teacher-fronted and teacher-led activity, engaging the whole class. If you have a smartboard, so much the better.
Below is one such example which I have created. Students drag the 7 sentences into an incomplete mindmap.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Wordwall: Flash Cards
Just found that Wordwall has a similar function for creating a deck of flash cards for self study.
Here is one which I have just created:
For those cards you have marked as 'Wrong' during the self-study phase, they will reappear after the original last card.
Two apps for creating Flash Cards for Mastery Learning: Brainscape and Bookwidgets
In fact, Quizlet (also an app for creating Flash Cards) also has a similar Mastery design, but for the "Learn", and "Play" modes, students will be given MC questions, the distractors of which are from other cards in a deck. In other words, they choose from the given distractors, instead of challenging their memory.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Popboardz and alternatives
Popboardz is an IOS app that I like for making tip-tile presentations. You create a collage with the app consisting of several pictures. When you present, you tap on one of the pictures, it will pop up and occupy the main screen. When you close it, it returns to the collage. (The collage is automatically created from the pictures you have uploaded.)
If you tap on the tiles randomly, this is a good way to build suspense and capture the audience's attention. But the catch is that Popboardz is an IOS app. To use it in a class session, you need to cast it to the classroom screen.
I've been exploring ways to do something similar from a Windows laptop. Bookwidgets has a Tip-Tile function, but the expanded picture will always be tilted to one side, and this is something I don't like.
I went online to search for an app that could allow me to do that, but to no avail so far.
Then I turned to Thinglink and again. Below is my comparison.
- You can't modify the size of the pop-up picture, but you can use the large pop-up function so that it will appear bigger (but still not very big).
- You can insert a second picture for each pop-up.
- You can adjust the size of the pop-up image so that it occupies almost the full screen.
- You can't incoporate a second picture in each interactive like you can with Thinglink.
Bottom Line
If you need a very large pop-up picture, then will do a better job. But with Thinglink, you can insert a template with both Text description and an Image.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Receiving the print MIEE certificate again
(Sept 19, 2023)
4年前第一次取得Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 資格時,證書由Microsoft美國以速遞寄來,之後每年renew申請成功,便只得到該年的digital badge。今年適逢Microsoft HK 儀式,,於是再次收到實體證書,並有機會参觀Microsoft HK總部。
Being fired up by teachers
今天 (Sept 19, 2023)Microsoft Partners in Learning 5.0 Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony的儀式中有英華書院和元朗商會中學老師分享STEAM projects, 儀式後又参觀了香港教育大學賽馬會小學的STEAM project展覽,深深體會到有創意的老師如何激發學生的創意,而學生又真的可以創意無限。雖然我是STEAM的門外漢,但聽完老師和學生的分享,令我也覺得充滿幹勁,思考這中間English Language education 可以有甚麼角色。
在Google Drive 把一個檔案set 作「可離線使用」,按掣後,弹出pop up message, 說「檔案宜家可離線使用」。宜家連google 都改用粤語出notification!
A very special experience: Co-teaching with a former Education student
相信很少人有我這樣的經驗: ⑴和30年前的Education student仍有聯络,⑵今早和她及她的一位同事co-teach了一課。Monica 今天已經是滿懷教學經驗和創意的教師,我和她co-teach,已經不是師徒,而是peer educators, 大家充滿默契。況且她的學生這麼好教,今早的一課是既enjoyable 又rewarding。
Gaming in eLearning vs Gaming in Macau's casinos
昨晚的computer assisted language learning一科談到gamification意念在製作interactive task中愈來愈流行,例如Blooket ,Gimkit, 和Minecraft,原因是"Kids, especially boys, love gaming"。但這樣說gaming (指playing computer games),總覺得不自然,因為最初認識gaming 一詞是在澳門,是指到賭場賭錢耍樂!
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
A Wakelet Collection with a very interesting design
Just ran into a Wakelet collection with an interesting design. Wakelet has 5 default page designs (mood board; columns; etc.). I still don't know how the author came up with this design:
It looks like a Wakelet collection has the potential of appearing in many special formats, as long as you're creative enough.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Getting a clip from a Youtube video
There was a time when people could set the start-playing time for a Youtube video. If they clicked on 'Share', a 'Start at' option would pop up. They would get a URL and when they played this URL, the video would start at the pre-set time. For teachers, this was a useful function as they didn't have to search for the right starting-time during a lesson.
Starting from about 2 years ago (?), Youtube added a 'Clip' function. Once you click on 'Clip', you can set the start-playing time and stop-playing time. You would then get a link for that particular segment. This is also useful, especially if you're sharing this segment with others. But the downside is that the maximum length of this clip is only 1 minute.
Some people have found a workaround to get segments of more than 1 minute, as shown in this video:
But of course, you can also use a Youtube segmenting app like Vibby. The bottom line is that give your purpose, which strategy is the fastest for you.
Baamboozle: How it compares with other Game Apps
Baamboozle is a bit different from the other game apps, like Kahoot and Quizizz.
While Kahoot, Quizizz, Wordwall,, etc. are mainly for students taking part as individuals, Baamboozle is better played as a team game: The teacher puts the students into teams (groups), and asks the groups to take turns to respond to the questions.
This also means that Baamboozle is primarily for teacher-paced games. Students do not join from their devices and with a Join Code. Instead, they simply follow the teacher's pace.
This might look traditional, but it also gives the teacher more opportunities to interact with the students during the game, give feedback, or discuss things with the students.
Another feature is its potential for self-regulated learning. The teacher can give students the Share Link. Students then work through the questions on their own: They look at each question, think about the answer, and then click 'check'. If they get an answer correct, the question card will disappear. If they get it wrong, it will stay there, and will reappear later for the students to re-try.
The platform has a bank of teacher-made games which can be used immediately, without signing in!
Visiting the Microsoft HK Headquarters
4年前第一次取得Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 資格時,證書由Microsoft美國以速遞寄來,之後每年renew申請成功,便只得到該年的digital badge。今年適逢Microsoft HK 和EDB簽約儀式,,於是再次收到實體證書,並有機會参觀Microsoft HK總部。
STEAM education and students' creativity
今天Microsoft Partners in Learning 5.0 Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony的儀式中有英華書院和元朗商會中學老師分享STEAM projects, 儀式後又参觀了香港教育大學賽馬會小學的STEAM project展覽,深深體會到有創意的老師如何激發學生的創意,而學生又真的可以創意無限。雖然我是STEAM的門外漢,但聽完老師和學生的分享,令我也覺得充滿幹勁,思考這中間English Language education 可以有甚麼角色。
Monday, September 18, 2023
Saying goodbye to Schoology
2016年開始實行flipped learning, 要找一個適用的LMS,最後選了SCHOOLOGY。多年下來,已熟習了它的運作。
不過由今年10月1日開始,再不能用它的free plan, 連肯付費也不行,因為它將會只做enterprise plan。
於是我便要把多年在Schoology 內製作或儲存的教材遷走,這是頗大又沒趣的工程。
但這也好,迫我重新檢視和update 先前的教材。
Thursday, September 14, 2023
AI-generated talking-head video
This is a typical video which is AI-generated from a script that you input. To be honest, the effect is not bad. The facial expression is quite natural. The intonation is not artificial (unlike the early days of text-to-speech functionality). Even the lip movements seem to correlate with the pronunciations.
But the problem is: Why would I need this technology in teaching? Such videos have to be short; otherwise students will lose attention. Then, if I have the script already, why don't I just video-record my presentation myself?
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Two apps for creating AI videos from a script
Below are 2 apps which can generate a video from a script or a webpage URL that you enter.
I have had a go with both apps. In a way, they are both very similar in that:
- On the left-hand page, you write, or paste in, a script. Each section (can be one sentence, or a short paragraph) separated from another one by space.
- Alternatively, you can enter a webpage URL. The app will generate a series of sections for you. Even if the webpage is long, the app will break it down into short sections, so that each section contains text that can comfortably appear in one scene.
- Background music will be inserted automatically.
- When you are happy with the sectioning (which is editable), you can generate the video. In the video, each section will appear in one scene, which is by default 5 seconds in length (but you can adject the duration of each scene).
- From my tryouts, the sectioning ability is not bad.
- But the visuals are mainly decorative, and most of the time have little to do with the content of the section text, though Lumen5 seems to do a little bit better in this regard (ie, the visual has more relationship with the section content).
- Nevertheless, Lumen5 allows you to get a share link immediately, or download the video. However, InVideo requires a paid plan in order to give you a share link (though you can just play the video from the dashboard; just that you can't share it with others).
1. Lumen5 is slightly better than InVideo.
2. Don't expect the visuals will closely relate to the text content.
3. Do not go for a long video, since the video is simply text after text (with accompanying visuals). It's simply like Reading, in a different format.
4. Use your own text if possible, rather than use a webpage.
Monday, September 11, 2023
SECTIONS in Padlet
Recently, Padlet has added a new function: Sections. We can add Sections to a Padlet in order to make the cards and content more organised.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Comparing 2 apps for creating video from text: InVideo and Animaker
In my previous post, I compared 4 apps for converting a collecton of photos to video.
Sometimes, I need to quickly create a video containing text with background music and text. Here are two such apps.
On the left-hand pane, you just type in your text, line by line. Click create, and then you will get a video with background music that contains several slides. Each slide contains one of the sentences that you entered in the left-hand pane. The background of each slide is a picture.
The good thing about this app is that you just type in your main text sentences in the left-hand pane, e.g., the main stages of a lesson; the main points from a lecture.
Creating such a video is very fast.
Animaker, unlike Invideo which makes use of real-life photos, uses cartoon animations. It is less convenient than Invideo in that you have to type in your captions slide by slide, after choosing an entire video template (which contains the individual slide templates).
- Invideo is faster, but if you want cartoon animation effects, then choose Animaker.
- Neither has a video duration limit.
- InVideo does not give you a share link, but you can just play your video from the Dashboard.
Comparing 4 apps for creating quick video from a collection of photos
There are now many video creation apps which can provide very elaborate editing functions. But very often, all I want is to quickly create a video using pictures that I have taken. I'm not someone who likes to spend time on elaborate video editing, so what I need is an app that can do the job turning a collection of photos into video with the lease fuss. Below I compare 4 such apps.
With Canva, you upload all your photos, and drag them into the timeline. This process does not take up a lot of time, and then you can get a share link quickly. But Canva does not have a built-in stock of background music files. You need to upload your own background music MP3 files to Canva to use as background music.
Animoto is the simplest app to use given my purpose. Moreover, the resulting video will contain some animation effects and background music. But there's a catch. The free plan only gives you videos of 30 seconds in duration. That is about 10 photos only, and you can't upload more photos for a longer video unless you upgrade.
Adobe Express
In a way, Adobe Express works like Canva. It trumps Canva in that it contains a stock of background music which you can choose from. There is no length limit. You can also do some editing on the timeline. Hence, Adobe Express is a good choice if you're creating a video of longer duration, with more pictures.
Powtoon is a little bit like Animoto in terms of the dashboard design. But though it is not as simple to use as Animoto, Powtoon trumps Animoto as:
- you can go longer than 30 seconds;
- on top of your own photos, you can insert the give template somewhere in the timeline (e.g., a template with a headline and taglines), and these inserted templates have animation;
- and of course it also has built-in background music files.
Bottom Line
As of this moment, Powtoon is my app to go to, for turning a collection of photos into a video with backgrounnd music quickly.
Saturday, September 09, 2023
This year will be fantastic. So excited to be selected as an MIE Expert for 2023-2024
#MicrosoftEdu #MIEExpert #elearningps
Friday, September 08, 2023
This year's enrollment on the Master's degree course on Computer Assisted Language Learning
這Master's degree的Computer Assisted Language Learning 一科,由最初offer時的三十多學員選修,逐步躍升到今學年的63位學員選修,真是既擔憂又興奮,擔憂是到學期完後要在短時間內改大量的term paper, 興奮的是看見這一科那麼受歡迎。
Wednesday, September 06, 2023
Apps in the Google Classroom App Hub work with my personal Google Classroom
I've just tried one the apps (Kahoot) included in The Google Classroom App Hub I mentioned two days ago. I'm only using a personal Google Classroom. Anyhow, I went to Kahoot, and created a self-paced Kahoot assignment. When asked how I would like to share this Kahoot assignment, I chose 'Google Classroom', which was one of the destinations.
Voila, in no time, this Kahoot Game appeared in my Google Classroom! So, it means I don't have to copy the Assign share link and post it somewhere as long as I use Google Classroom regularly. is like Wordwall and, and is for creating interactive games. The images of the various puzzle types look interesting. But the free plan only allows for 2 puzzles. So there is no way I can tell how overall it compares with Wordwall and
Tuesday, September 05, 2023
Monday, September 04, 2023
The Google Classroom App Hub
This webpage lists the apps that are integrated with Google Classroom.
I can see that many of these apps are popular and often used by teachers (and me).
Unfortunately, the university does not subscribe to Google Classroom, so I cannot see with my own eyes how the app integration works within Google Classroom.
Sunday, September 03, 2023
Slides with Friends
SLIDES WITH FRIENDS is an app for creating presentations that contain interactive tasks, such as polling, quizzes.
What distinguishes it from similar apps such as Mentimeter, Pear Deck, and Quizizz Lesson is that it has 2 additional special response options: (1) Pass the microphone, and (2) Share your photo.
A standalone stack of cards with Sway
We can create a standalone stack of cards with Sway. Ss will then scroll through the cards to find out something. The content of each card can be either Text, or Image.
The resulting Sway link can be inserted into a Nearpod lesson.
Thinglink Scenario Builder: My first taste
This is a function within Thinglink which allows you to create a branching learning unit. I have yet to learn the nitty gritties, and to look for ideas to turn into a learning scenario. So far, I have noticed that:
- each branched block can contain Text, an external URL, and a previous Thinglink image/tour;
- you can insert MC questions and Open-ended questions into different points in the journey;
- at any block, you can take the learner to any other block;
- you can award points for accomplishing something.
This reminds me of two other strategies that I have tried:
1. Padlet (not really reactive to learner's decisions or answers; no inserted questions);
2. Symbaloo Learning Path.
Saturday, September 02, 2023
Thinglink 360 Image vs Thinglink Guided Tour
Thinglink Guided Tour is a new function in Thinglink. In the former 360 image, viewers have to move the image around, and click on the tag to see the 'Knowledge Card'. The Knowledge Card can consist of Text Description, an explanatory Image, or an external link.
With Thinglink Guided Tour, when you create the tour, you add 'focal points' to the 360 image. For each Focal Point, you add a text description (text description only). You can add as many focal points to a 360 image as you like.
Then when viewers view the Guided Tour, they can:
drag the image around, and when they reach a previously focal point, the corresponding explanatory text will pop up near the bottom;
there is a 'previous - next' button near the bottom of the screen. Click on 'next', and the image will revolve to the next focal point, togther with the text explanation. And so on. Hence, unlike the traditional viewing mode, this mode of viewing is sequential. (Hence, 'guided'.)
Friday, September 01, 2023
Google Forms vs Microsoft Forms: Converting a poll to a quiz
With Google Forms, you can convert an existing Poll to a Quiz.
With Microsoft Forms, this can't be done. To create a quiz, you always have to start from scratch.
ScreenPal: the new version of Screencast-o-matic
Screencast-o-matic was the first app that I used for screen-recording. Later, Screencastify and Loom came about, and as they were Chrome extensions, they were more convenient to use. I then abandoned Screencast-o-matic in favour of Loom and Screencastify.
Yesterday, I happened to discover that Screencast-o-matic had become ScreenPal. I tried ScreenPal, and found three important pluses which would take me back to the improved version of Screencast-o-matic: ScreenPal:
1. I like the clear small yellow circle which accompanies the cursor movement. Screencastify has a similar function but the effect is not good.
2. ScreenPal will give me a public share link as soon as I have finished a round of screen-recording. Screencastify allows users to export the screen-recorded video to Youtube, but the process takes too long.
3. The free plan of Loom and Screencastify has a recording time limit of 5 minutes only, and a limit on the number of videos that can be produced. Screenpal's recording time is 15 minutes, and there is no limit on the number of videos you can make.
YoutubeTrimmer still the best app for getting a clip of a Youtube video
Vibby used to be the best, because it allowed annotation, and you could get several clips in one project. But Vibby has closed down. After...
Quizizz has launched a new function. While previously teachers could only create quizzes, they can now create 'Lessons', which can ...
Synthetic Phonics for ESL Children in Hong Kong View more presentations from paulsze .
- is like Wordwall and, and is for creating interactive games. The images of the various puzzle types look intere...