Saturday, September 23, 2023

Popboardz and alternatives

 Popboardz is an IOS app that I like for making tip-tile presentations. You create a collage with the app consisting of several pictures. When you present, you tap on one of the pictures, it will pop up and occupy the main screen. When you close it, it returns to the collage. (The collage is automatically created from the pictures you have uploaded.)

If you tap on the tiles randomly, this is a good way to build suspense and capture the audience's attention. But the catch is that Popboardz is an IOS app. To use it in a class session, you need to cast it to the classroom screen. 

I've been exploring ways to do something similar from a Windows laptop. Bookwidgets has a Tip-Tile function, but the expanded picture will always be tilted to one side, and this is something I don't like. 

I went online to search for an app that could allow me to do that, but to no avail so far. 

Then I turned to Thinglink and again. Below is my comparison. 


- You can't modify the size of the pop-up picture, but you can use the large pop-up function so that it will appear bigger (but still not very big).

- You can insert a second picture for each pop-up.

- You can adjust the size of the pop-up image so that it occupies almost the full screen. 

- You can't incoporate a second picture in each interactive like you can with Thinglink. 

Bottom Line

If you need a very large pop-up picture, then will do a better job. But with Thinglink, you can insert a template with both Text description and an Image. 

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