Tuesday, September 19, 2023

STEAM education and students' creativity

 今天Microsoft Partners in Learning 5.0 Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony的儀式中有英華書院和元朗商會中學老師分享STEAM projects, 儀式後又参觀了香港教育大學賽馬會小學的STEAM project展覽,深深體會到有創意的老師如何激發學生的創意,而學生又真的可以創意無限。雖然我是STEAM的門外漢,但聽完老師和學生的分享,令我也覺得充滿幹勁,思考這中間English Language education 可以有甚麼角色。

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Two useful desktop apps for IPA transcription

 There are now a few mobile apps for turning an orthographic text into an IPA phonetic text. But in practice, we will more likely use a desk...