Friday, May 28, 2021

My cycle of getting good ideas for teaching

 It happened again. I was fully absorbed in the last round of planning for a workshop tomorrow. After 2 hours, I decided to have a break, and started heading to a nearby Fairwood for a cup of milk tea. While in the lift, a good activity idea popped up in my mind. 

So here is the cycle: rack my brain over something for some time > put it aside > relax and do something else > a better idea pops into my head > add it to my previous planning.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

What function does the bare infinitive serve?

The bare infinitive does not exist to make life difficult for ESL learners, who sometimes confuse it with to-infinitive. 

What function does the bare infinitive serve? See my language awareness article in today's Ming Pao.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Seminar for PolyU teaching staff

Seminar for PolyU teaching staff: "Effective Strategies in Online and Face-to-face Classes"; event organised by PolyU School of Professional Education and Executive Development (SPEED)

Friday, May 21, 2021

When will I be able to do all-face-to-face teaching again?

 Just ran into this email from the university administration 15 months ago, which completely changed how we usually taught overnight. Over the next few days, all teaching staff frantically learnt how to teach via Zoom. At that time, I thought that like SARS of 2003, the ordeal would be over in 2 months. But it dragged on for more than a year.

This September, will I be able to revert to all-face-to-face teaching?

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The dictation function in word is getting better and better


used to ignore the Dictation function in Word, thinking that my typing was faster and more accurate. 

But things have changed. Today, the Dictation function is still not perfect, but is good enough for creating a first draft, and thus serves as a useful time saver. 

But at the same time, why is it that given all these technological time savers, we're not getting more free time for ourselves? 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Space is important for creativity to happen



這亦提醒我,要準備一個重要的presentation, 盡可能早一點開始設計。至於被觀課的老師,也愈早準備愈好。

Sunday, May 16, 2021

A small but useful trick

Sometimes these small e-learning tricks may have slipped my mind. When I have created an e-learning task and obtained the share link, I cannot be 100% sure that other people can also open the link, especially if the app concerned requires signing up first (and my computer may have memorised my login details). So, I often ask my former students to test the links for me. 

Just now, Janet suggested that I try the share link on an incognito tab. I had a go, and then found out immediately whether the link would work with other people!

A small trick, but very useful to me.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

MAELT Annual Conference

 In the late 70s in HK, we had the Primary English Teachers' Association (PETA), and the Secondary School English Teachers' Association (SSETA), both of which were administered by the British Council HK. Then in the late 80s, we had the Hong Kong division of the UK-based International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). Still later in the 90s, we started to have the HKPTU ELT Group. 

Today, none of these professional groups for English teachers in HK have continued to function. 

In contrast, in Macao, they have the very active Macao Association for the Advancement of English Language Teaching, which runs an annual conference on top of other activities. 

My salutes to them.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Awarded the Certificated in FLGI Flipped Learning 3.0 Differentiation Strategies


Completed and awarded the following certificate by the Flipped Learning Global Initiative 

Chrome vs Edge

 Browser 我一向用Chrome, 貪其extensions 好用。但最近意外發現Microsoft Edge的Collection 功能,對於就某一題目搜集和記錄找到的資料,很方便和好用。


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Completed the Microsoft Differentiation Course


Powerpoint vs Google Slides

 以前的PPT,純粹是install在電腦內的軟件,自從有了office 365, ppt背後和internet 連接,已大大加强了它的功能,這一兩年再引入AI和assistive technology, 令它如虎添翼。用它來製作flipped video, 乾手淨脚。曾經一度捨PPT 而取Google Slides, 但現時PowerPoint 又重奪我的歡心。

相反,Google Slides 有點停滯不前。

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Creating a travel route on Padlet

 Just noticed that the Map template of Padlet is useful for creating a travel route, and can work as a multimodal writing task for students: 

1. Create a new Padlet. 

2. Choose Map as the template. A world map will show. Then drag the map to go to the area of the world (e.g., England, HK Island, Wong Tai Sin) where you want to create your interactive map. 

3. Drag the Pin icon from the right pane to the point of the map where you want to add a stop. 

4. Then as usual, edit the Pin by adding text, an image, a link, etc. 

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Wordpress + Anchor

 Just noticed that Wordpress had 'merged' with Anchor, a podcasting platform, a short while ago. Now, we can convert our old, as well as new, Wordpress blog posts into podcast episodes. 

I tried that with a couple of old blog posts, and the conversion was rather quick. 

After the conversion, we can listen to the respective podcast episodes either on Anchor, or on Spotify. The resulting machine-converted audio episodes sound acceptable, and not terribly robotic (and much much better than the early days of text-to-speech conversion). 

I'm still figuring how to make use of this new function in language teaching. 

Here is my newly created Spotify podcast link, titled "Teach, Write, Live", converted from my Wordpress blog of the same name:

(So far, I have converted 3 previous blog posts only.)

Looking forward to the 35th year




Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Lesson Study for teacher professional development

 This morning I took part in a peer lesson observation which was associated with the school's Lesson Study scheme. Teachers of the same grade level planned a lesson together, and taught the lesson, with modifications that catered to the needs of each class, to their respective classes. The teachers concerned observed each other's lessons to see how the collaboratively planned lesson worked with each class.

As a teacher educator, I must say I revere such professional development activities. It requires that the school concerned (in this case, a secondary school) values (a) good teaching and learning, and (2) teachers' professional learning from each other.
I also benefit from such lesson observations. For example, this morning, for the first time, I saw (a) how a Quizlet Live competition worked in a secondary school classroom (though I had tried it in my own classes before), and (b) how the recent Chrome QR code embedded with each URL worked (I hadn't tried this myself yet).

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Blendspace is still functioning

 A few years ago, I used TES BLENDSPACE quite often to create presentations. Then, for reasons I have forgotten, I put the tool aside, and after a while, remembered the name TES only. Still later, when I wanted to use the app again, I couldn't remember the full name, and when I googled TES, I was taken to other places. 

An hour ago, while thumbing through an old notebook, I saw the name Blendspace again - the memory came back. I then googled Blendspace, and I was taken to the app which I used quite often a few years ago.

I'm glad despite the quick developments of other presentation apps in the last few years, Blendspace is still functioning. I then browsed a couple of presentations in their Library. I think Blendspace still has its merits, although PPT has improved enormously in the last couple of years. It can embed external websites, Youtube videos, and more importantly, PPT, PDF, WORD files from your Google Drive. This is something which PPT is still unable to do. 

Hence, I must keep an eye out to an opportunity in the near future to use Blendspace for a short presentation, to refresh my memory of how it works, and also to test out its advantages against other presentation apps. 

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...