Sunday, May 02, 2021

Blendspace is still functioning

 A few years ago, I used TES BLENDSPACE quite often to create presentations. Then, for reasons I have forgotten, I put the tool aside, and after a while, remembered the name TES only. Still later, when I wanted to use the app again, I couldn't remember the full name, and when I googled TES, I was taken to other places. 

An hour ago, while thumbing through an old notebook, I saw the name Blendspace again - the memory came back. I then googled Blendspace, and I was taken to the app which I used quite often a few years ago.

I'm glad despite the quick developments of other presentation apps in the last few years, Blendspace is still functioning. I then browsed a couple of presentations in their Library. I think Blendspace still has its merits, although PPT has improved enormously in the last couple of years. It can embed external websites, Youtube videos, and more importantly, PPT, PDF, WORD files from your Google Drive. This is something which PPT is still unable to do. 

Hence, I must keep an eye out to an opportunity in the near future to use Blendspace for a short presentation, to refresh my memory of how it works, and also to test out its advantages against other presentation apps. 

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