Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Lesson Study for teacher professional development

 This morning I took part in a peer lesson observation which was associated with the school's Lesson Study scheme. Teachers of the same grade level planned a lesson together, and taught the lesson, with modifications that catered to the needs of each class, to their respective classes. The teachers concerned observed each other's lessons to see how the collaboratively planned lesson worked with each class.

As a teacher educator, I must say I revere such professional development activities. It requires that the school concerned (in this case, a secondary school) values (a) good teaching and learning, and (2) teachers' professional learning from each other.
I also benefit from such lesson observations. For example, this morning, for the first time, I saw (a) how a Quizlet Live competition worked in a secondary school classroom (though I had tried it in my own classes before), and (b) how the recent Chrome QR code embedded with each URL worked (I hadn't tried this myself yet).

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