Saturday, May 08, 2021

Wordpress + Anchor

 Just noticed that Wordpress had 'merged' with Anchor, a podcasting platform, a short while ago. Now, we can convert our old, as well as new, Wordpress blog posts into podcast episodes. 

I tried that with a couple of old blog posts, and the conversion was rather quick. 

After the conversion, we can listen to the respective podcast episodes either on Anchor, or on Spotify. The resulting machine-converted audio episodes sound acceptable, and not terribly robotic (and much much better than the early days of text-to-speech conversion). 

I'm still figuring how to make use of this new function in language teaching. 

Here is my newly created Spotify podcast link, titled "Teach, Write, Live", converted from my Wordpress blog of the same name:

(So far, I have converted 3 previous blog posts only.)

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ChatGPT and Being a Guide on the Side

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