Wednesday, May 19, 2021

The dictation function in word is getting better and better


used to ignore the Dictation function in Word, thinking that my typing was faster and more accurate. 

But things have changed. Today, the Dictation function is still not perfect, but is good enough for creating a first draft, and thus serves as a useful time saver. 

But at the same time, why is it that given all these technological time savers, we're not getting more free time for ourselves? 

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ChatGPT and Being a Guide on the Side

 自從有了ChatGPT, 在課堂中一些以前我會主動解釋的概念,現時間中我會請學員即時問ChatGPT, 其中一個目的,是讓學員看到如果是純知識,他們其實不用我去告訴他們,我亦希望借此培養他們的主動求知的精神。 這並不表示我備課變得輕鬆了,只是我的心思變為集中在設計一課的Lear...