Thursday, September 29, 2022



Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Genious Hour Project Ideas

 先前說過今年教undergrad的materials design and adaptation 一科,發覺今年這一組不少學生都很technology-savvy, 對製作digital learning resources 很有興趣,於是我突然生起genious hour project 的念頭,鼓勵學生超越課程的要求,去explore和create更多有創意的learning object。我聲明會有額外的credit, 但不會很多,希望他們基於興趣和自主學習精神,作額外的探索。


兩個星期下來,果然有不少的學生有回應,這真有點喜出望外,當然上課時我會表揚一下,希望更多同學享受為學習而學習,甚至有一天他們回想undergraduate 的final year, 曾經狂熱地製作learning object, 不是追求額外的分數,而是因為享受這creativity 的過程。

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Genius Hour Projects

 今年教的其中一科undergraduate course是materials design and adaptation, 在今天這digital age, 教材製作當然離不開ICT, 而今年這一组特別Technology-savvy, 组員有Microsoft Certified Educator和Google Certified Educator, 每一課都很快便完成我指定要製作的learning resource。

那天我突然有一個想法,既然他們有這個能力和潛質,我為何不鼓勵他們超越課程的要求!於是我作了新嘗試,稱作Genius Hour Project,就是除了完成指定的工作外,他們如果有興趣,可以額外發揮他們的creativity, 用自己的創意製作更多的learning resources 。為了刺激思考,我给予他們一些Genius hour project idea,下面是製作listening resources 一課的genious hour ideas。

這個意念是否work, 暫時我不知道,一個可能是額外分數不多,於是學生反應不積極。另一個可能是這激發學生的intrinsic motivation, 於是他們不計較分數,享受過程和看到額外心血結果而自豪。


Friday, September 16, 2022

The Dictation Game function in Educaplay

 Educaplay has an activity format, called Dictation Game, which can be useful to English teachers in preparing their students for Dictations. You (1) input the dictation text, (2) record the text word by word or sentence by sentence, (3) 'publish' it, and (4) give students the share link. 

At home, students then listen to each word/sentence, and type it out. They can replay a word/sentence as many times as they like. When they have finished typing out the whole text, they click 'Check'. The screen will then show them (a) the original text, (b) their typed text, and (c) their mistakes highlighted. 

Below is a short P2 example that I have created. Give it a try and see if this function is useful to you in preparing your students for Dictations.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Froggy Jump in Educaplay

 像Bookwidgets一樣,Educaplay 也是我早期用以製作interactive task的其中一個app. 但出現了其他更versatile 的app後(e.g., Wordall),便被我冷落了。最近重訪Educaplay, 發現它有一個新的game mode稱Froggy Jump, 基本上仍是MC Quiz, 但它的版面 很有趣,答問題時令青蛙跳來跳去,初小學生應該會覺得很好玩。

還有,學生答完一次後,可以無數次retry, 每次retry, 题目的次序會改變,無題三個可能答案的位置都會掉換,這樣學生不能靠死記正確答案的位置,而且retry多次也不覺得悶。

下面是我用Froggie Jump製作了一個present tense verb form的game。

今天的Educaplay 還有一個Activity type對小學英語老師會很有用,就是Dictation Games, 可用來幫助学生温習默書。

Sunday, September 04, 2022

Thinglink vs is still worth subscribing to (HKD30 per month) as it has a larger variety of artifact types, and for presentations you can upload your PPT as a starting point.

 With Thinglink, to use a template you have to go to the built-in Canva connection, but sometimes you have to pay to use a Canva template. But Thinglink has (a) 360 artifacts which doesn't have, and (b) seats for students. These are two unique features that doesn't have. 

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Ice vs water





如果你在IT和e-learning 界的日子夠長,你也可能記得他的名字呢!不錯,馬绍良老師後來進入教署,做到資訊系統科首席教育主任,負責推動全港學校資訊科技教育,說他是香港資科技教育始祖,一點兒也不為過。

雖然我已經把老師教的物理知識全然忘掉,雖然我的專業不是資訊科技本身,但我愛上了computer assisted language learning, 也算是對馬绍良老師一點報答吧。

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...