Friday, September 16, 2022

The Dictation Game function in Educaplay

 Educaplay has an activity format, called Dictation Game, which can be useful to English teachers in preparing their students for Dictations. You (1) input the dictation text, (2) record the text word by word or sentence by sentence, (3) 'publish' it, and (4) give students the share link. 

At home, students then listen to each word/sentence, and type it out. They can replay a word/sentence as many times as they like. When they have finished typing out the whole text, they click 'Check'. The screen will then show them (a) the original text, (b) their typed text, and (c) their mistakes highlighted. 

Below is a short P2 example that I have created. Give it a try and see if this function is useful to you in preparing your students for Dictations.

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