Monday, December 26, 2022

How do you pronounce 'refresh' as a noun?

My occupational habit (or disease) at work:

Yesterday when I saw this poster in an Ikea store, I did not ask myself whether I needed a refresh or not. Instead, I started to wonder: "When 'refresh' is used as a noun, how should it be pronounced?"
"Should we continue to put the stress on the second syllable, like we do when we use 'review', 'report', and 'retreat' as a noun? Or should we put the stress on the first syllable instead, like we do when we use 'recap', 'recount', and 'refund' as a noun?"
When I got home, I immediately looked up a few online dictionaries to find out the answer, but to no avail. I continued to google something like 'how do you pronounce refresh when it is used as a noun', and finally found one answer:
To my amusement, this answer confirmed what I had suspected: Put the stress on the first syllable when 'refresh' is used as a noun.
But still, can I count on just one answer from the Internet?

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