Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The 5 attributes of elearning teachers

 剛剛完成EDB 的三小時ZOOM workshop,雖然run這些workshop不能像自己上網課要求學員全程開著video(Master's 學生我也要他們這樣做),和加入一些計平時分的活動,去engage學員,但我仍然享受這三小時看不見對方的online workshop,我想原因是我又有機會把我的eLearning 心得和點子和人分享。

這令我想起每次在大學教Computer-Assisted Language Learning 一科時,第一課我都會和學生列出eLearning teachers的五大特質:

- They are fun-loving. 

- They are curious. 

- They are creative. 

- They enjoy sharing their ideas with others. 

- They are lifelong learners. 

Online Workshop on eLearning, Catering for Learner Diversity, and Self-directed Learning

 “Catering for Learner Diversity in the Primary English Classroom through Effective Use of e-Learning Resources and Developing Students’ Self-directed Learning Capabilities”

Online Workshop for Primary English teachers; commissioned by EDB ELE section; organised by the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, CUHK. 

Friday, May 06, 2022

Receiving a T-shirt from Prezi

 先前完成Prezi Certified Educator Trainer課程並取得digital badge and certificate, 想不到他們還從美國用UPS速遞這件T-shirt給我。T-shirt的設計不算特別精彩,但難得的是金錢買不到。

我對一眾e-learning app developer 是敬佩的,開發過程需要投資,競爭又不少,由於用家是學生和教師,subscription fee不能定得太高,很多時還要用free plan去吸引用家,縱使是熱門的app利潤也不會很高,而且很多時還要像Prezi, Nearpod, Edpuzzle, Adobe, Wakelet,  Formative, Kahoot等同時建立training 和certification 的program,聘請人手去管理;但它們又不像Google,Apple, 和Microsoft等科網王國的財雄勢大,有龐大資源去建立和管理educator training 系統。在今天要開發e-learning app, 少一些sense of mission 也不能成功。

Sunday, May 01, 2022

First experience with Jotform fillable PDF form

 昨天第一次用由Jotform convert成fillable PDF form,在教師工作坊中作為學員的self workshop progress report form使用,發覺效果也不錯。在三個小時中每階段完結時,我請學員回到report form, 紀錄已完成的任務,這讓學員有sense of progress和sense of accomplishment。工作坊完結時我請學員save 一個copy,然後post往class display board padlet。

這個處理好處是學員即時有一個自己的file copy,而更奇妙的,是這個完成的fillable PDF form,學員可以照樣submit, 於是我在Jotform dashboard 可以立即看到個別的紀錄和summary(雖然昨天我沒有這樣做)。用付費的Adobe Acrobat DC 製作fillable PDF form,反而沒有這個功能。

Jotform的free plan可以同一時間保存5個form, 和它類似的Typeform卻沒有這麼慷慨了

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...