Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The 5 attributes of elearning teachers

 剛剛完成EDB 的三小時ZOOM workshop,雖然run這些workshop不能像自己上網課要求學員全程開著video(Master's 學生我也要他們這樣做),和加入一些計平時分的活動,去engage學員,但我仍然享受這三小時看不見對方的online workshop,我想原因是我又有機會把我的eLearning 心得和點子和人分享。

這令我想起每次在大學教Computer-Assisted Language Learning 一科時,第一課我都會和學生列出eLearning teachers的五大特質:

- They are fun-loving. 

- They are curious. 

- They are creative. 

- They enjoy sharing their ideas with others. 

- They are lifelong learners. 

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