多謝Bryan Ka Yue Leung介紹Power Toys Fancy Zones,你現在看見的就是五個我開的視窗出現在同一電腦畫面,可以随意進入其中一個視窗及返回這總視窗,不需要逐個視窗resize。是否有利工作暫時未知道,但肯定很好玩。(And theoretically, you can work on all sub-windows on the same overview window.)
Paul Sze - Honorary Professional Consultant, Dept of Curriculum & Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
Today there are so many e-learning apps around that there will always be ones that have escaped our attention. I've been using Bookwidgets and Educaplay for creating standalone interactive tasks (matching, pairing, sorting, sequencing, diagram labelling, etc.), and my latest favourite is LearningApps.org.
But a couple of days ago, former student Margie alerted me to Wordwall, which has immediately become my new love. It can create many types of interactive tasks and games, and it has a very appealing user interface.
E-learning keeps me humble.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Taking stock of my e-learning certifications
Educator certifications I have gained since May this year:
1. Google Certified Educator Level 1
2. Google Certified Educator Level 2
3. Google Certified Trainer
4. Microsoft Certified Educator
5. Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert
6. Apple Teacher
7. Edpuzzle Coach
8. Classcraft Certified Educator Level 1
9. Nearpod Distance Learning Expert
10. CK-12 Certified Educator
11. Book Creator Certified Author
12. Flipgrid Level 1 Certified Educator
13. Seesaw Pioneer
14. Adobe Creative Educator Level 1
15. Kami Certified Educator
16. Wakelet Community Leader
17. Nearpod Certified Educator
18. Microsoft Innovator Educator
19. Inspearational Educator
20. National Geographic Certified Educator
Becoming a National Geographic Certified Educator
最初的意念來自七月中EricSir Chan的FB post, 他剛剛獲得National Geographic Certified Educator認證,那時候正值是我狂熱考e-learning badge的時節,雖然Nat Geo Certification 和e-learning 無直接關係,但我既然鍾情於Reading across the curriculum, 就決定go for 這認證,順道考驗自己,於是報名参加2020 Fall Cohort。
由於這program 的關鍵部分涉及在課室試教自己設計的教案,於是在Facebook呼籲現職教師幫忙,難得舊學生 Heidi Chang立刻回應,讓我可以在她九月開課後到她教的小六班房試教兩堂。
九月初整個National Geographic Certified Educator 課程開始,老實說,所需要的時間多於所有先前我考取的e-learning 認證,當中包括網上課程,然後就着National Geographic 的Learning Framework 和Assessment rubric 兩階段設計教案,然後和其他國際學員互評教學設計,最主要部分是把最後lesson design版本試教,撰寫反思報告,和製作六分鐘的capstone report video。
在11月初在Heidi的學校試教了兩堂60 分鐘的課,我當然盡量利用這機會,於是我的教學設計除了包含National Geographic 要求的Learning framework 和他們的Learning resources 外,還加插了Reading across the curriculum, Flipped Learning, 和Multimodal Literacy 的元素,在此再次多謝Heidi 的幫忙。
試教完之後就是撰寫反思報告,製作capstone video,在program website 给予其他學員feedback, 终於在11 月22日限期前完成所有的功課,然後是焦急的等待結果。
這認證是我自豪的,因它涉及的時間和心血比先前任何一個e-learning badge都要多。但我又確實得益良多,既從National Geographic 這個program 中獲得攪teacher development 的靈感,又學會了一些地理知識,又增加了RaC, Flipped Learning, 和Multimodal Literacy 的實戰經驗。
而且在感情上,National Geographic 是我年青時經常閱讀的雜誌,這次重新和它結缘!至於National Geographic Certified Educator 剛巧是我五月以來第20 個Educator 認證,就更加是美妙的巧合了。
Saturday, December 05, 2020
Thursday, December 03, 2020
A highly memorable group
轉眼間,這學期的PEDU6112 Language Awareness 明早便是最後一課了,亦是這semester 我最後的一課。這一組碩士班,由此至终都只能在網上相見,但是這一屆的43位學員,卻是最難得的,學習態度非常認真,每一課的兩個半小時中都積極和投入,上課的準時度更是undergraduate 望塵莫及;如果因工作而要缺席或遲到,也會預先通知我,雖然我沒要求他們這樣做。
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
L and T Expo postponed for the first time
能夠在L&T Expo 2020 做Main Stage speaker, 我是很雀躍的,昨晚還漏夜交了final PPT, 如今不能如期舉行,的確有點失望,但安全要緊。唯望將來補辦時,仍然叫L&T Expo 2020這個特別的年份。
"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook
A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others. They will then be looking thr...
Quizizz has launched a new function. While previously teachers could only create quizzes, they can now create 'Lessons', which can ...
Synthetic Phonics for ESL Children in Hong Kong View more presentations from paulsze .
I had been using Wordwall for a few years, but I had never touched the 'True/False' interactive format because I thought it was jus...