Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Normal view - Heading 1 and 2 vs outline view - level 1 and level 2 for converting to PPT

 Earlier on, I blogged about NOT starting with PPT even when we intended to create a PPT deck. Instead, we should start with WORD. 

The steps I explained: 

1. In Word, go to Outline view. 

2. Type in the presentation content (headings; bullet points; etc.)

3. Mark the headings as Level 1. 

4. Mark the bullet points as Level 2.

5. Save. 

6. In PPT, choose 'create from Outline'; then upload the saved Word File. The imported WORD file will become slides in the PPT. 


Just now, i realised that instead of going to Outline view, and mark the headings and points as Level 1 and Level 2, we can stay on the normal WORD view. Then mark the intended headings as Heading 1, and the supporting points as Heading 2. Then proceed in a similar fashion as that in the Outline view. The resulting WORD file can also be exported to PPT. 

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