Tuesday, September 10, 2024

FLIP is finished

Sad to learn that Flip (formerly Flipgrid) will stop serving us from the end of this month.

Flip is one of my favourite free apps. The teacher assigns a topic on the platform. Students then join the discussion by video-recording their thoughts (say, for two minutes). Afterwards, the students can view each other's videos to find out what their classmates think. For ELT, Flip is a very useful tool for practising Speaking.

The Flip functions will be subsumed in Microsoft Teams. But to me, as a standalone tool, Flip is much easier to use.

Another piece of sad news is that Google Jamboard, another favourite app of mine, is sunsetting, and will no longer be available after December 31, 2024.

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Checking out Presentations.ai

 https://www.presentations.ai/ Just had a go with Presentations.ai.  I uploaded a WORD document which was an Outline which I later uploaded ...