Tuesday, September 10, 2024

DIFFIT: WHAT resources can it generate?

 DIFFIT is an generative -AI tool. It's primarily for generating resourcces for teaching Reading. 

The 4 input methods describe in my previous posts will generate the following standard materails: 

1. The adapted Reading passage.

2. Summary in 3 sentences. 

3. Key Vocab Words - a List

4. MC Ques. 

5. Short Answer Questions

6. Open-ended Questions. 


The Reading passage can be further modified by the AI system (length; difficulty)

The materials generated for (2) to (6) can be edited, modified, or increased in number. 


On top of the above 'standard' materials, the AI system can generate further 'Student Activities' for further and deeper study by students. These are also generated from the 'standard' materials. The formats include, eg.,: 

Under each of the above 8 categories, there are several worksheet templates. You can choose one of the templates and a customised digital worksheet will then be generated. 

As of this moment, Diffit is the most capable AI tool for generating reading materials, reading quizzes, and reading worksheets. 

The company targets schoools as their customers. The premium plan for individual teachers last for 55 days, after which teachers can continue with the Basic plan. 

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