Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A quick review of Eduaide AI

 Eduaide is an AI platform specifically to help teachers plan their teaching (from lesson plans, to creating question sets based on a topic). 

It has many many Generating functions, and I have yet to pick up all of them. 

For most of the gen-AI functions, it asks you to put down a topic, or some key points. 

This could be an asset, if you're dealing with concepts (eg., you're a science teacher. 

But if you need something more customised, then you may not get what you exactly need. 

I had a go with the 'Generate MCQ' function. Unlike QuestGen, though I can paste in a reading passage, the result does not fit my purpose. 

If  the purpose is to generate a Reading Comprehension question set based on a passage you have, then those apps which are specifically for that purpose, like QuestGen, will do a better job. 

but there are dozens of functions on the paltform. So, it is still worth having a look at the other functions to see how useful they may be. 

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