Sunday, March 17, 2024

Stormboard and Miro vs Padlet for Presentation

 Checked out Stormboard, and revisited Miro, to see if they were good for on-site presentations. 

I think they are good for creating an overview diagram for showing (the relationships between) subtopics and ideas. 

Although Miro does have a Presentation mode (with contents marked as frames), the effect is not that good. 

My tentative conclusion at this point is that Padlet is still the best choice, in that you can start by showing the overview Padlet, and then proceed to the Presentation mode. You can return to the Overview padlet any time you like. 

In the presentation mode, each card constitutes a 'slide'. The embedding function of each slide is praiseworthy: You can play a Youtude video, an uploaded PPT within a slide. Now, when creating a Padlet, you can use the screen-recording function, and record a narrated webpage, which will become a separate slide. 

In sum, Miro and similar apps are good for viewing by others; Padlet is good for realtime presentations. 

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