Monday, December 26, 2022

How do you pronounce 'refresh' as a noun?

My occupational habit (or disease) at work:

Yesterday when I saw this poster in an Ikea store, I did not ask myself whether I needed a refresh or not. Instead, I started to wonder: "When 'refresh' is used as a noun, how should it be pronounced?"
"Should we continue to put the stress on the second syllable, like we do when we use 'review', 'report', and 'retreat' as a noun? Or should we put the stress on the first syllable instead, like we do when we use 'recap', 'recount', and 'refund' as a noun?"
When I got home, I immediately looked up a few online dictionaries to find out the answer, but to no avail. I continued to google something like 'how do you pronounce refresh when it is used as a noun', and finally found one answer:
To my amusement, this answer confirmed what I had suspected: Put the stress on the first syllable when 'refresh' is used as a noun.
But still, can I count on just one answer from the Internet?

to accustom someone to do something?


These two slogans from the Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department are using the verb 'accustom' (1) in the Active Voice, and (2) in the structure 'to accustom someone to do something'. 

This reminds me of another usage error which was once quite common in Hong Kong: 'to look forward to do something', as in 'I look forward to see you soon.' This error is less common now. But most of the time, teachers simply tell students that after 'look forward to', they have to use the -ING form, as if it is just an arbitrary case. 

But there is also semantics behind. We look forward to something, and that's why the -ING form is used if what we look forward to is represented by a verb phrase. Similarly, we do not accustom someone to do something. The semantics behind is that 'we accustom someone to something', which is often expressed in the Passive Voice. 

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...