Saturday, April 17, 2021

Choice Board vs Bingo Card

 A choice board and a bingo card may look similar, but they serve difference purposes.

Students use a bingo card somewhat receptively. They are given a Bingo card, listen to some prompts (e.g. words read aloud by the teacher), and circle what they hear on the Bingo card. 

But a choice board contains mainly tasks and activities for students to perform. They choose a row of cards on the choice board, and proceed to the corresponding tasks. 


Depending on one's objective and creativity, the tasks: 

- can be of different cognitive demands (e.g, Bloom's taxonomy - compare; analyse ..)

- may allow students to present their findings in different modes (e.g., a written text; a photo album, ...)

- may involve different elements (e.g., structure; vocabulary; theme) of a broader topic (e.g., a short story). 

As such, many writers have asserted that choice boards are good for differentiated instruction. 

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ChatGPT and Being a Guide on the Side

 自從有了ChatGPT, 在課堂中一些以前我會主動解釋的概念,現時間中我會請學員即時問ChatGPT, 其中一個目的,是讓學員看到如果是純知識,他們其實不用我去告訴他們,我亦希望借此培養他們的主動求知的精神。 這並不表示我備課變得輕鬆了,只是我的心思變為集中在設計一課的Lear...