Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Video Puppet - good for creating a narrated video from a PPT with speaker notes

 Another video creation tool I have recently tried and found useful for creating instructional videos is Video Puppet. If you have a ready-made PPT, all you need to do is to type in your speaker notes, and upload your PPT to Video Puppet. The website will generate a voiceover-narrated video with background music for you. The narration, though automatically generated, is not bad as it doesn't sound machine-like. 

Of course, if you can use your own voice for the voiceover narration, that would be best. But sometimes you may be too busy to do the narration yourself, and if you have the speaker notes ready, Video Puppet is a handy way to create a narrated video from a PPT. 

Below is an example I've made. It's based on an article for Ming Pao which I wrote in June. I copied and pasted the article into a PPT, used PPT's built-in 'search Internet images' function to get the pictures, and then uploaded the PPT to Video Puppet, which instantly gave me the video below. 

What makes a noun count or noncount?

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