Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Normal view - Heading 1 and 2 vs outline view - level 1 and level 2 for converting to PPT

 Earlier on, I blogged about NOT starting with PPT even when we intended to create a PPT deck. Instead, we should start with WORD. 

The steps I explained: 

1. In Word, go to Outline view. 

2. Type in the presentation content (headings; bullet points; etc.)

3. Mark the headings as Level 1. 

4. Mark the bullet points as Level 2.

5. Save. 

6. In PPT, choose 'create from Outline'; then upload the saved Word File. The imported WORD file will become slides in the PPT. 


Just now, i realised that instead of going to Outline view, and mark the headings and points as Level 1 and Level 2, we can stay on the normal WORD view. Then mark the intended headings as Heading 1, and the supporting points as Heading 2. Then proceed in a similar fashion as that in the Outline view. The resulting WORD file can also be exported to PPT. 

Padlet vs Flip for creating oral discussion activities

以前用Flip (Flipgrid) 讓學員就一個題目錄下回應,然後互相聆聽;但Flip兩個月前停止運作,於是我嘗試用Padlet的audio 功能,發覺效果也不錯;可以用Section去建立小組,然後給予每小组一個breakout link;Flip 沒有這功能,但Flip可以create classes, 這卻是Padlet 沒有的。整體來說,沒有了Flip, Padlet 是不錯的代替品

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Microsoft Photo's AI-assisted Erase function

 可能是後知後覺,發現Windows 內置的Photos app,裏面有一個AI-assisted 的eraser功能,能夠把圖片中不要的部分擦掉,近乎不留痕跡。下面第一圖是原圖,第二圖是eraser後的效果。以前的app 用eraser function,擦後會留下疤痕的啊!

Below is where the Eraser button is situation in PHOTOS

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

tried My first Jotform fillable PDF

 終於找到機會用Jotform製作fillable pdf, 給學員作為課堂中的worksheet。學員收到我的fillable pdf的link後,以之在堂上記下要點或回答我的問題,完成後,可以download 到自己電腦作為classwork 紀錄,然後按submit,我便收到他們完成的worksheet。

類似的app例如Smallpdf沒有製作fillable pdf 的free plan,如果只是偶然使用便不值得subscribe, 至於Adobe Acrobat 更貴得驚人。Jotform 的free plan 同一時間可製作5個fillable pdf, 如果只是間中玩玩便很夠了。

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Created my first fillable PDF with Jotform

 Just created my first fillable PDF with Jotform. Will use it in an upcoming PEDU6112 class: 


The dashboard for creating a fillable form is not that clear. I had to do quite a bit of trial-and-error before I came up with a usable fillable form. 

Of course, as I said in my last post, one big plus with Jotform is that I can create 5 forms for free. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Jotform for creating fillable PDFs

 The last time I used Jotform for creating a fillable PDF was two years ago. 

I checked out Jotform again just now. 

The created fillable PDF is mainly for sharing with respondents, who follow the link, fill in the PDF, and (a) submit it, or (b) download and then submit. 

The owner of the form can view the submitted PDFs on his/her dashboard. 

Under the free plan, I can create 5 fillable PDFs. If I delete one, I can create a new one in its place. This is quite generous (unlike Wordwall). 

In this regard, Jotform is more generous than similar apps like Smallpdf, which do not have a genuine free plan. 

Except that unlike two years ago, now I cannot download a fillable pdf first and then share it with others. The sharing can only be done online. 

Figjam for creating graphics

 Just obtained an Education account for Figma, which entitles me to unlimited use of the web/desktop app. 

Figma is for creating presentations. This is very much like Canva, to me. 

Under Figma, there is Figjam. This is for creating graphics (mind map; flow chart; etc.). In this regard, this is like Microsoft Whiteboard, which I haven't touched for a while. 

One feature of Figma is its capacity for collaborative creation. 

I think there are similar apps, such as Miro. Perhaps the only difference is that Figjam gives me a free Education account. 

Saturday, November 09, 2024

An AI-generated video example created with Capcut: What is translanguaging?

 Below is a one-minute video created with the AI function of Capcut. 


the script used to generate the video was first created with Poe.com


Of course, as you can see, the visuals in the video are there mainly for 'deccorative' purposes. They are not out-of-place, but they don't really help much with meaning-making. 

Capcut for creating videos and images

 Capcut can create videos from photos, and also generate a video from a prompt or from a script, as well as generate in image from a prompt. The free plan is quite generous.

It comes as a web app, and a desktop app.


Problems with Generating Blank-filling Questions from a Text

 Diffit, despite its functionality, does not generate blank-filling questions from a text. 

I looked to Questgen, but it turned out the Blank-filling generation function is a paid function. 

i then turned to Toolsday, which can generate blank-filling questions for free. 

The problem is, the generated blank-filling questions are quite superficial, and do not tap higher-level thinking. 

Creating a flashcard set to go with a diagram inside Quizlet

Compared with other apps that can create diagram tasks, this function in Quizlet is quite easy to use: 

Step 1: Unload a picture. 

Step 2: Click anywhere in the picture to create a hotspot. 

Step 3: The hotspot represents a flashcard: enter the 'term' and the 'definition'. 

This way of using a diagram with hotspots is quite different from other diagram apps. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Found an image compressor application

 In Genial.ly, Even under the Pro plan, I'm  still only able to upload image files to a creation of up to 5MB. 

I searched the internet for an image compressor application, tried it, and found it to be quite useful. It looks like the free plan is good enough: 


Tuesday, November 05, 2024

My 10 language awareness videos for the Jockey Club Flipped Learning Project (2020-2022)

 Here is the playlist: 


Bookwidgets: How to return Ss' completed work

 For creating a more sophisticated digital worksheet, I prefer Bookwidgets. But unlike Wordwall, Learnngapps.org, Kahoot, Quizizz, and Educaplay, if the worksheet is a quiz which has pre-set correct answers (eg, MCQ), Bookwidgets does not show students their scores immediately after they have submitted their work. As much as I like BWG, to me, this is one defect of the app. 

Anyhow, I have just found out how to return Students' work. Remember when students submit a completed worksheet, they have to type in their name and email address. The following screencast video shows how to return students' work (so they know their scores) via email. 


YoutubeTrimmer still the best app for getting a clip of a Youtube video

 Vibby used to be the best, because it allowed annotation, and you could get several clips in one project. But Vibby has closed down.  After...