Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Padlet's 2023 summer release

 This summer, Padlet has released some new functions. The following seem particularly useful to me: 

1. Create a poll on a Padlet wall which viewers can respond to. 

2. AI-generated images. (To me, I'm not sure whether the images are really AI-generated. Do they already exist on the Web?)

3. I can create Sections in all templates (except Canvas). 

4. I can embed a Padlet slideshow in another app. 

5. I tried the 'Export slideshow as PDF' function. The resulting PDF does not look great. Maybe OK if I just want to keep a record. 

I have also rediscovered that I can present a Padlet wall as a slideshow. 


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ChatGPT and Being a Guide on the Side

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