Sunday, April 02, 2023

Test-driving Curipod's AI lesson generation function

Curipod is like Nearpod, Pear Deck, Quizizz Lesson, and Kahoot Lesson: an app for creating Interactive Lessons. But what distinguishes Curipod from the rest is its Al lesson-generation functionality: Give it a task (e.g., a topic), and it will generate an interaction lesson for you.

I couldn't wait to have a go, asking it to create an interactive lesson that elucidates the difference between WILL-future and GOING TO-future in English. Luckily, the result is disappointing.
The major problems with the AI-generated interaction lesson:
- The content slides are just beating about the bush, rather than addressing the heart of the matter.
- The activity slides rely too much on open-ended drawing, which do not stimulate meaningful thinking or learning.
- It simply doesn't know how to scaffold learning.
Hence, we English teachers won't get to lose our jobs too soon

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