Wednesday, April 05, 2023

It's imperfections that make us human!

 最近因貪玩喜歡把上課時部分內容用AI app 製成talking head 的video, 我對學員說我邀請了某專家就這課題作分享。但學員很快便看出video中present的不是真人,不是因為這talking head太假,反而是他/她無論聲調和表情太過完美!真人說話是不會這麼完美的。

於是我突然有這個epiphany:這些年我被self-help 書籍洗腦,覺得凡事都要力求完美,We should forever strive to be our best self, 卻原來It's imperfections that make us human!

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