Saturday, November 26, 2022

Insert a GIF picture into a PPT slide

 1. To find a GIF image, in a Google search, search for something followed by GIF. 

2. Download the chosen GIF image. 

3. Insert it into a PPT slide as an image. 

ONE major difference between Dynalist and Workflowy

 Both Dynalist and Workflowy are useful for making hierarchical lists, but there is one major difference between them. 

With Dynalist, the hierarchy starts with a Folder. If you have a hierarchy with many levels, you create a subfolder. Then inside the folder, you create as many Documents as you like. Inside each document, you create your list. 

With Workflowy, a hierarchy always begins with one bullet point. To create the next lower-level list, you click on this bullet point. You can continue with this gesture and create as many sub-lists as you like. 

Each has its own merits, depending on the purpose of making a list and how the list will be used later. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

From Pre-service Student Teacher to Master Teacher


其中一位是以前的full-time 師訓學員,當年實習觀課時,她初為人師,教學技巧仍畧為生硬,今天再觀她的課,判若兩人,在課室內揮洒自如,Lesson design 既creative 又practical, 教學過程流暢,lesson management 照顧週詳,已經發展出個人的教學風格和魅力。令我這前PGDE班主任老懷大慰。

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...