Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Travel safe vs Travel safely

 Every time when I'm standing on an MTR escalator, I keep being bombarded by the announcement 'Stand firm, hold the handrail, and travel safely.'

Now, because I've been contemplating whether I should think big, start small, work smarter and not harder, and eat healthy, so that I can live simple but happy, I can't help starting to 'feel' that it's perhaps 'more correct', or 'better', for MTR to say 'Travel safe.' I'm even starting to form a visual representation in my mind of someone who travels safe as opposed to someone who travels safely (though I can't verbalise the difference). 

But what if an ESL teacher confronts me with the question: "Shouldn't we use an adverb after a verb?"

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ChatGPT and Being a Guide on the Side

 自從有了ChatGPT, 在課堂中一些以前我會主動解釋的概念,現時間中我會請學員即時問ChatGPT, 其中一個目的,是讓學員看到如果是純知識,他們其實不用我去告訴他們,我亦希望借此培養他們的主動求知的精神。 這並不表示我備課變得輕鬆了,只是我的心思變為集中在設計一課的Lear...