Thursday, March 24, 2022

Loom vs Screencastify

 It's always interesting to watch these cut-throat competitions between app developers. For creating screen-recording videos using a Chrome extension, I started out with Screencastify. Later, I switched to Loom because Loom trumped Screencastify in terms of the length of the screen-recorded video that could be created. Just two months ago, I switched back to Screencastify, because Screencastify had a new function: inserting quiz questions into a screen-recorded video. 

Then, this morning, I received this update from Loom announcing an upcoming new function. Will I switch back to Loom? It depends on how useful the new function is. 

The bottomline: 

1. As an edtech user, I have no loyalty to any particular app. 

2. These apps are free. How do the developers make a living

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