Saturday, November 28, 2020

Google Drawings vs Lucidchart

 Lucidchart is certainly more sophisticated. For example, you can easily create a floor plan (for an interior design company) simply by dragging the built-in shapes into your canva. 

The available shapes are lined up on the left-hand panel. So you just choose the shape you need and drag it into the canva. That's why it is fast. 

But if you are simply using the common shapes, then you can almost do the same things using Google Drawings. It is a bit slower since you need to open the 'shapes' tabs first. 

But the upside is that you can make unlimited drawings, while Lucidchart only allows for 3 free diagrams. 

If you have a diagram which you will be using again and again, the Lucidchart is the choice. You can insert your Lucidcharts into other Google applications like Google Slides. 

Talking about Google Slides, actually, most of the things you can do with Google Drawings, can also be done inside Google Slides! The only difference is that with Google Drawings, you can create standalone diagrams. With Google Slides, your diagrams will be among the slides in a slide deck. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Benefitting from lesson observations

 這陣子忙於因着賽馬會Flipped Learning pilot project 而觀課,雖然理論上是我對project teachers給予教學意見,但實際上project teachers大多是有教學經驗,而同時又喜歡鑽研教學法的老師,結果我經常觀課時從他們的教學得到新靈感,和學到新點子,成為觀課最大的受益人。

例如今早其中一課,令我察覺面授課也可以用Zoom 進行分組討論,一來可以保持social distance,二來可以隨機分組但省卻移動學生和枱椅的時間。還有我今早才知道,原來教師可以將學生submit 往Padlet wall 的card 隨意改動顏色,以方便歸納…

Monday, November 23, 2020

Live happy vs Live happily

 If "feel happy" and "look sad" represent <Linking verb + Adj> , and "arrive late" and "work hard" exemplify <Action verb + Adv>, how should we analyze expressions like "Think big", "Live green", or even "Live happy" (Cityplaza slogan)?

And what does "Eat naked" mean? (Warning: Don't overthink.)

See my language awareness article in today's Ming Pao .

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

eReading course booked out despite its being offered for the 5th time

 Glad that despite being offered for the fifth time, this e-Reading course facilitated by Man Sir and me is still booked out. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Falling in love with PPT again

 PPT的design idea 愈來愈聰明,而且錄製PPT 成video 的功能比前大有進步,我又重新愛上PPT 了。

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Be on the receiving end once in a while

 Attending a Pear Deck lesson as a student. It's always a good idea to occasionally experience a (Zoom) lesson on the receiving end (yes, my students might just be putting up with my teaching).

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Peardeck's flash card factory

 有了edtech,備課也變得好玩,(當然時間是一個問題。)剛剛發現Peardeck 這功能,而下星期四的PGDE Topic正好是vocabulary teaching and learning, 我又有新玩意了。

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

PPT vs Google Slides

 我已愈來愈多用Google Slides,因貪其方便,但PPT 仍有其賣點,就是根據slide 文字內容而自動generate visual design 的能力愈來愈聰明。而且如果要create poster, 只要打入slogan, 從它自動generate 出來的幾個設計中選取喜歡的,save 作image file 便可以了,乾手淨腳。

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Artificial intelligence entering the field of language teaching

 Artificial intelligence has been developing so quickly that it has now even entered the field of language teaching and learning. Quillionz is one such example: You feed the tool with a passage, and it will give you a set of reading comprehension questions. 

I've given it a try, and I have to admit that at least as far as the lower end of Bloom''s taxonomy is concerned, the questions generated make good sense. 

In the long run, as educators there is only one way for us to justify our existence - go for the higher-order thinking/skill matters in our teaching.

Two useful desktop apps for IPA transcription

 There are now a few mobile apps for turning an orthographic text into an IPA phonetic text. But in practice, we will more likely use a desk...