Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Definite vs Indefinite Article in English

 When teaching the use of definite vs indefinite articles, ESL teachers often resort to the "first mention vs second mention" rule. In this interactive cloze passage which I have created to use with students in my Language Awareness course (you can give it a try), I have taken two texts from Hung (2005) which totally defy that rule. Both texts begin with the same sentence, which is "I've bought a new car." But subsequent sentences use the definite and indefinite articles in completely different ways. 

So, what is the alternative to relying on often over-simplified grammar rules? To me, the answer is always this: Language Awareness training. 

Hung, T. T. N. (2005). Understanding English grammar : a course book for Chinese learners of English. Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press.

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ChatGPT and Being a Guide on the Side

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