Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The 3 bookmarking apps that I'm using at the moment

At the moment, I'm using 3 webpage booking apps: Symbaloo, Wakelet, and But I use them for different purposes.

For daily bookmarking, I use That is, whenever I come across a website which may be useful to me in the future, I bookmark it with I like its easy tagging function, so that one day when I need to retrieve my bookmarks under a certain tag, e.g. "create eportfolios", "edtech-certifications", and "corpus-linguistics", I simply go to my dashboard, and will easily find the bookmarks under the respective tags.

I can also create a 'Collection' of bookmarks within These bookmarks may come from the same tag, or different tags, e.g, "Useful links for Session 7". Then I can share this collection with other people with the collection URL.


But I use Wakelet in a different way. I don't use it for day-to-day bookmarking. Instead, I would create a few themed  collections within Wakelet which are the topics that I'm currently working on, such as "example multimodal book reports", "tours creation", and "multimodal reading resources". For example, I'm preparing for an upcoming workshop on e-Reading, and I'd like to encourage the teacher participants to apply non-traditional ways to get their students to report on their reading. One such way is for students to create multimodal book reports. Then, I create the theme 'multimodal book reports' in Wakelet, and then start searching for examples on the Internet. Every time I come across a useful example, I add it to my Wakelet collection immediately. Later, I can share the collection URL with the teacher participants. I can even (a) 'decorate' the collection with a 'cover photo', or include a couple of other material types (e.g. images; PDF's). One might say that I use Wakelet for more purposeful bookmarkings. Below is my 'multimodal book reports' collection:

As for Symbaloo, I don't use it very often. But if I have a large collection of bookmarks that I want to show on one single page, then Symbaloo will give you that one-page overview. Below is my Symbaloo collection on "Apps for creating multimodal texts".

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