Friday, July 17, 2020

Loom vs Screencastify

Thanks to
Vivien Chan
, who alerted me to the video messaging app called Loom. (Yes, Loom, not Zoom.) I've quickly checked it out. In a way, it works quite like Screencastify, which is for screencasting. It can be used as a desktop app or a Chrome extension. But to me, it has 4 plusses over Screencastify:
1. As soon as you stop recording, the share URL is already in your clipboard, so you can share your video with someone immediately. (Screencastify takes 2 more steps.)
2. If you want to appear in the video as a picture-in-picture, you can 'move yourself' to any place on the screen.
3. There is a 'record a reply' function. If your recipient is also using Loom, then when they open your URL and view your video message, they can record a reply immediately, and you will be notified of the reply. (That's why Loom calls itself a video messaging app.)
4. While the free Screencastify can only record up to 5 minutes, Loom doesn't have this limit.
Loom is now making the Pro plan permanently free for teachers. So if you often do quick screencasting and/or video messaging, Loom is worth a look.

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