Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Publication: Reading habits, reading attitude and literacy performance

Chun, C.K.W., Sze, P., & Ho, E.S.C. (2013). Reading habit, reading attitude and literacy performance. In Ho, E.S.C. (Ed.), Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insights for Policy and Practice (pp. 61-79). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Completed the last module for the Macao Teacher Professional Development programme

Completed the last module of the Professional Development Programme for the Key Primary English Language Teachers; organised by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Government of the Macao SAR.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Publications in China

My 2 New Publications in China:
- (with a Writing Team at the Guangzhou Teaching and Research Institute): Student's Book 2 of the New English Course for Universal Education, in support of the 2011 National English Curriculum
- (in capacity as main writer): Teacher's Book 2

Published by Educational Science Publishing House, Beijing.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Started a new module for Macao's Key Teachers Professional Development Programme

Module 5: Selecting and using English Language coursebooks
Part of the Professional Development programme for members of the Key Teachers Scheme (Primary English Language teachers); organised by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macau SAR Government.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gave a seminar for Education Bureau's School-based Professional Support Section

Title of seminar: 'Towards a Better Understanding of English Language Teaching in Mainland China'
Audience: Particpants of the Scheme on Hong Kong Teachers’ Exchange Activities to the Mainland organised by the School-based Professional Support Section, Education Bureau

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Gave a talk with Dr Benjamin Au Yeung at Caritas Wu Cheng Chung Secondary School

an event of the school's English Week
Topic: 'Englishes in Hong Kong'
Attendance: All students at the school and some teachers

Friday, March 01, 2013

Issue 1 of column in FAM Magazine

Issue 1 of column in FAM Magazine, pp. 88-90 published in  January 2013:
'The role of listening and speaking in language acquisition'.

Presentation in Guangzhou on the New English textbook for universal education

Topic: Thriving on the new National Curriculum for English and the revised primary English coursebook
Audience: About 300 core teachers from schools administered by the Guangzhou Education Burea

Presentation in Guangzhou to teacher-researchers of the Teaching and Research Institute, Guangzhou Education Bureau

Topic: Developing ESL teacher standards for Guangzhou
Audience: About 80 teacher-researchers from the 12 admin districts under the Teaching and Research Institute, GZ Education Bureau

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...