Monday, January 06, 2025

Symbaloo Webmix and Webspace

 A Symbaloo webmix is one collection of websites. Of course there are  now many tools which can do that, e.g.,; Wakelet, ...

What makes Symbaloo Webmix visually appealing is that each bookmark is a tile. 

A symbaloo webspace is a homepage of a user's webmixes. Each user has given one webspace and its link, as below.

The individual webmixes appear as tabs on the top ribbon. 

Explain Video vs Explainer Page

 你也許也有這經驗,別人whatsapp 你,你寧願他用文字,而不是錄音;文字一眼看到內容,錄音卻要用時間去聽,而我們已忙到連聽留言的時間也不願花。

這亦是為甚麼近年我不再熱心用screencasting 方法製作eLearning的explainer video,轉而用screencap加簡單文字去製作一個流程的workflowy page。對我來說快㨗得多,對學員來說就像看text message 的方便。

下面是一例,解釋用Wakelet 製作一個sharing board的步驟;我製作這Workflowy page不用5分鐘, 學員亦可自行瀏覽,不像看explainer video 的被動。

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Flinga Wall vs Flinga Whiteboard

 Flinga does not have a paid plan. But users can only create 5 boards in total, after which they will have to delete an older board to create a new one. 

Both types of boards can be shared with students who will be participants. 


- For sharing ideas and brainstorming. 

- Works like Padlet and Wakelet, except that contributors can choose one of five colours for posting their idea. They can also post a photo from their drive. 


This has more functionality. 

- Other than text, contributors can upload their ideas in a Square, Circle, or Person, or Title and Subtitle. 

- Contributors can be allowed to place their posts anywhere on the whiteboard. 

- They can also use the Pencil function to draw on the board. 

- They can also upload photos. 

- A teacher can pre-create a board (with posts), and move the posts around during a presentation or annotate. 


But the biggest downside is that it only allows for 5 free boards. 

Created a Workflowy Tutorial on How to Create a Small-group Wakelet Sharing Board

Symbaloo Webmix and Webspace

 A Symbaloo webmix is one collection of websites. Of course there are  now many tools which can do that, e.g.,; Wakelet, ... What m...