Saturday, November 27, 2021

Padlet's Map Template for Creating a Multimodal Text

 Last Tuesday, I finally had the chance to have my Master's students create a multimodal text using the Map template in Padlet, to introduce some places worth visiting in HK. Here is my design for the group activity: 

1. Discuss with group members to decide on a theme for the collection of your recommended places to visit. 

2. Identify the exact places under this theme that your group has decided on. 

3. Divide up the work: Decide who will be responsible for which place.

4. Find out more about the place that you're responsible for. 

5. One person in your group will create a Padlet wall, and share the link with the other group members. This Padlet wall should be using the Map template. 

6. Collaboratively build up your group's Padlet map. Your place, in the form of a card, should consist of (a) name of the place, (b) a short introduction to the place, (c) a photo, and (d) a link to either a webpage or a Youtube video where viewers can find more information about the place. Your group members can either do this together, or 'separately together'. 

7. Upload your group's completed map to the Class Padlet. 

I have curated the 6 completed mpas and put them in the interactive image below. Click on the top left of each card to see the group's work. Note, though, that the students had only about 15 minutes, and it was their first attempt at the task.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Thinglink integrates with Canva

 如果要製作interactive image,我第一個推薦的app是Thinglink,因易學而效果已不錯;最近發覺Thinglink把另一個app Canva integrate在內,Thinglink便如虎添翼了,因可在Thinglink內選取Canva的template, edit後隨即加入Thinglink的interactive element, 乾手淨腳。

The power of flipped learning for teaching Speaking

 This morning, I observed an excellent lesson under the Jockey Club Flipped Learning Pilot Project. The teacher, a NET named Mr Gareth Roberts, had superb lesson management skills, and succeeded in getting this S2 class to do lots of meaningful speaking activities even though the lesson was only 30 minutes in duration.

This lesson also showed the strength of the flipped learning model. If it hadn't been because of flipped learning, the teacher would not have accomplished so much in a 30-minute speaking lesson.

Friday, November 05, 2021

The 7 Myths about Technology-Enhanced Language Learning

 Thanks to the invitation from OUP, I had the opportunity to give a presentation on technology-enhanced language learning at the Education Leadership Forum which commemorates OUP China's 60th anniversary. Over 500 people registered for the presentation, including people from Singapore, UK, Ukraine, Philippines, ...!

"Presenting" a Padlet Board like an eBook

 A Padlet board can be presented in a slideshow. We can get the slideshow URL, and then share it with others.  They will then be looking thr...