Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gave a seminar titled 'Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching'

2013-11-26            A seminar titled 'Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching' to 600 Junior Secondary English teachers in Shenzhen; organised by the Shenzhen Education Bureau.

2013-11-16 A talk for parents titled 'Phonics for young children: What, Why, How'.

2013-11-16             A talk for parents titled 'Phonics for young children: What, Why, How'. Organised by Oxford University Press.

Gave a talk titled 'Towards Excellence in English Language Teaching in China'

2013-11-12             A talk titled 'Towards Excellence in English Language Teaching in China' for a group of primary English teachers in Guangzhou. Event organised by Oxford University Press.

Oct 19, 2013: A talk titled 'Phonological Awareness for Young Children' for parents. Event organised by Oxford University Press.

Two useful desktop apps for IPA transcription

 There are now a few mobile apps for turning an orthographic text into an IPA phonetic text. But in practice, we will more likely use a desk...