Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poster proposal accepted for eLearning Expo 2008, CUHK

Poster title: Wikis for professional sharing
CUHK eLearning Expo, October 17, 2008.
Poster presentation: 12:30 to 2:00 pm

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Paper proposal accepted for presentation at ESEA Conference

ESEA, 2008: Englishes and Literatures-in-English in a Globalised World, 4-6 December 2008, National Institute of Education, Singapore. http://www.ell.nie.edu.sg/esea2008/ESEAhome.html

Two useful desktop apps for IPA transcription

 There are now a few mobile apps for turning an orthographic text into an IPA phonetic text. But in practice, we will more likely use a desk...